Opening Time

08:00 - 17:00

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We have been handling custom brokerage for several years on both export and import through our professional team. STL has its own custom broker license; therefore we do all formalities in house and ensure custom process going on-time.

We will assist our Customer to submit the required documents to Custom followed by inputting Custom Electronic Data Processing (EDI) to get Custom’s respond.

We offers quick Custom handling which takes only 24-48 hours process for export and import.

It includes obtaining permits and licenses from authorized bodies and government agents, such as:

1. Customs Office (Bea Cukai),
2. Industry and Trade Ministry (Departmen Perindustrian and Perdagangan RI),
3. Food and Drug Agency from Health Department (Badan POM),
4. Animal and Agriculture Agency (Balai Karantina Hewan dan Tumbuhan),
5. Surveyor and Cargo Inspections,
6. Fumigation Company,
7. Marine cargo Insurance
8. PT. Terminal Petikemas Surabaya
9. PT. Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia Surabaya
10. PT. Teluk Lamong